i was in a bad mood, i am not normally so bitchy. honest.
i am making fennel soup, and the whole house smells on fennel soup, i love the small of fennel soup. mmmmmm fennel soup.
Friday, September 30, 2005
good news
adam has been let of out the grim meca of concrete that is southampton general hospital. he srill has some pain but apparently not enough for an operation. he has to keep an eye on it (metaphorically) and go back if it hurts more.
i am starting to wonder if i am a difficult person to deal with. i have two cases.
case 1: kning group met on sunday this week, an no one bothered to txt me to invite me. i got upset, and asked one of the members if they had had one. she lied and said they hadnt when i know they did...... so they either couldnt be bothered to invite me, or dont like me. not sure that either quaility is some thing i look for in a friend.
case 2: having been lumbered with organising the graduate welcome drinks, i have now found out that the pg coordinator wants to change the time, and expects me to do all the re-arranging. i told him in the nicest possible way to do it himself.
see. these are cases where i think i am being reasonable? do you agree? i dount want to sound pariniod. and in fact, some one has suggested that i got "upset becasue i am under a lto of pressure." iu think that even if there was no pressed i would still be pissed off! anyway, last night i had the type og nightmare that carries on even if you wake up a few times in the night. i was about zombies, and the little girl who is in the tv show the 4400. (which i have never seen so that shows the power of adverts!) i must have been rubbing my eye in my sleep, and now it is all swolen and puffed up and i look like the night of the living dead myself. damn.
i am starting to wonder if i am a difficult person to deal with. i have two cases.
case 1: kning group met on sunday this week, an no one bothered to txt me to invite me. i got upset, and asked one of the members if they had had one. she lied and said they hadnt when i know they did...... so they either couldnt be bothered to invite me, or dont like me. not sure that either quaility is some thing i look for in a friend.
case 2: having been lumbered with organising the graduate welcome drinks, i have now found out that the pg coordinator wants to change the time, and expects me to do all the re-arranging. i told him in the nicest possible way to do it himself.
see. these are cases where i think i am being reasonable? do you agree? i dount want to sound pariniod. and in fact, some one has suggested that i got "upset becasue i am under a lto of pressure." iu think that even if there was no pressed i would still be pissed off! anyway, last night i had the type og nightmare that carries on even if you wake up a few times in the night. i was about zombies, and the little girl who is in the tv show the 4400. (which i have never seen so that shows the power of adverts!) i must have been rubbing my eye in my sleep, and now it is all swolen and puffed up and i look like the night of the living dead myself. damn.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
poor my baby brother
ok, he 21 and not a baby, but to me he will always be someone i look after, and he has been admitted into hospital with suspected apendacidus. (spelt wrong) i am going to see him today, so this is only a short post. i will leave you with the thought that life is always one step ahead of you, we can only try and keep up.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
moving office
today i lugged all my stuff (5 trolly loads of books and folders) to my new temporary office. this may not seem great to you, but it is really nice to be away from the PG rooms and into a real staff office. Not that I dont love the PG rooms, they are great as are the people, I jsut feel that now I am thought of as a min-member of staff, which is a sort of reward for working like a dog for them for three years. i am sharing this room with a lady i dont know yet, but i am looking forward to meeting her and saying howdy.
alart from that, i have been busy organisnig the welcome events for the PG Forum. Altough in theory there is a committe of people to help me do this, I always seem to end up doing it on my own, and getting v wound up. grrr. never mind, it is all done now, and maybve at some point someone will say thank you for all the effort. (or actually maybe not, thats just the sort of place this is)
it is times like this i wish i had a web cam. i normally think they are only for perverts, but i am sat here in my fab new rowan hat, and i thinlk i look like a lama farmer! and also maybe like a mental patient out for a walk...... my firends who still have a sense of style will be horrified. still, as far as crimes against humanity go, a bad hat isnt too big a deal. not compared to the bigger things, like some git eating all th vege food for lunch. (double grrr)
i want everyone who reads this to send out good vibes to my friend janet- she is finishing her thesis and needs posative thoughts. Go Janet!
alart from that, i have been busy organisnig the welcome events for the PG Forum. Altough in theory there is a committe of people to help me do this, I always seem to end up doing it on my own, and getting v wound up. grrr. never mind, it is all done now, and maybve at some point someone will say thank you for all the effort. (or actually maybe not, thats just the sort of place this is)
it is times like this i wish i had a web cam. i normally think they are only for perverts, but i am sat here in my fab new rowan hat, and i thinlk i look like a lama farmer! and also maybe like a mental patient out for a walk...... my firends who still have a sense of style will be horrified. still, as far as crimes against humanity go, a bad hat isnt too big a deal. not compared to the bigger things, like some git eating all th vege food for lunch. (double grrr)
i want everyone who reads this to send out good vibes to my friend janet- she is finishing her thesis and needs posative thoughts. Go Janet!
productive day
yesterday i have the kind of productive day that makes me look like an organising machine. i got up at an ungodly hour, and drove to a primary school that was described as being "outside chichester" and was infact very near bognor regis! i then taught for three hours on how to interview wwii vets, bt easy when your audience is 6 years old! i then drove to fareham, and taught an AS class on risorgimento and the civil wars of the 1820s and 30s, I then taught A2 on the casus of wwii. and it all went without hitch, and i am amazed, perhpas I should be liek this mroe often!
i have also been asked by the ever fabulous janet to give the opening paper for the history seminar series, i will do it on friendly fire- so any ideas for a picture i can put on the post let me know. i have also been alocated a PROPER office on the history dept, rather than my crappy PG space, this is GREAT news, although I dont know the people i am sharing with. HUmmmm.
i have also been asked by the ever fabulous janet to give the opening paper for the history seminar series, i will do it on friendly fire- so any ideas for a picture i can put on the post let me know. i have also been alocated a PROPER office on the history dept, rather than my crappy PG space, this is GREAT news, although I dont know the people i am sharing with. HUmmmm.
Monday, September 26, 2005
more ill but less bruised
now my ickly sniffle has turned into a full blown stinking cold, alosi with the added extra that if i "do too much" like go out for the day i drop into a coma on the sofa when i get in as i am so tired. i have snot, and sneezes and the whole nine yards. yuck.
on the up side, i have finished my scarf. i have to admit, the patten said to use two balls of the rowan big wool to get the stripes, but the scarf just didnt look long enough. so when i finished them i did half of two other balls and now the scarf is long enough to be for doctor who! it rocks. now i must crack on with the hat, as i have taken a comission for my brother for nice gloves.
the plan for today is: go to the docs, hoover, finish my war and memory unit once and for all, work on my phd abstract, get better so i can go to yoga tonight, and maybe go to m & s to buy THE nicest suit for my interview.
also look what i got on ebay! is this the most cool and so bad it is good thing you have ever ever seen!
on the up side, i have finished my scarf. i have to admit, the patten said to use two balls of the rowan big wool to get the stripes, but the scarf just didnt look long enough. so when i finished them i did half of two other balls and now the scarf is long enough to be for doctor who! it rocks. now i must crack on with the hat, as i have taken a comission for my brother for nice gloves.
the plan for today is: go to the docs, hoover, finish my war and memory unit once and for all, work on my phd abstract, get better so i can go to yoga tonight, and maybe go to m & s to buy THE nicest suit for my interview.
also look what i got on ebay! is this the most cool and so bad it is good thing you have ever ever seen!
Friday, September 23, 2005
ill and bruised and fed up
so, like the title i look like poo, feel like poo and generally cant image ever being a productive member of society again. i have a sore throat and am all sleep deprived. i was so bored not being able to sleep i was watching the x-files at 3am, which you know is not good.
i should have done more scarf, then i would have it to wrap around my croaky sore throat.damn it. and i didnt go to knitting group yesterday becuase i was in a bad mood after work. (non of which i am paid for and if you know me you know what i am refering too.)
so today goes: moan, type, moan go for lunch with dave andress, moan and type.
ps- hi joan!
i should have done more scarf, then i would have it to wrap around my croaky sore throat.damn it. and i didnt go to knitting group yesterday becuase i was in a bad mood after work. (non of which i am paid for and if you know me you know what i am refering too.)
so today goes: moan, type, moan go for lunch with dave andress, moan and type.
ps- hi joan!
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Knitting pressie!!!
Yesterday in the post I recieved my first pressie from my secreat knitting friend. In it there was a butterfly bookmark, a nice chunky ball of back wool, a 2006 diary (which is snazzy and shiny) an oldeworlde postcard, and breast cancer awareness pinkie rings, a patterns for a mini-disk snuggler, and the most amazing wibbley wobbely scarf made of noro wool which she (he) had knitted for me. i feel very very spoilt and loved. I haope my spoliee is feeling as loved!
on the down side, my arms look like night of the living dead from the fall, and my introducation to my thesis is total and utter crap!
on the down side, my arms look like night of the living dead from the fall, and my introducation to my thesis is total and utter crap!
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
the wall
no- i havnt become a pink floyd fan, i am refering the wall in my garden. no normal wall, in fact it is a big f-off 8 ft high wall, which i have the pleaseure of falling off on monday. this has led to some serious bruising, scrapes and bleeding and even more serious (for david) moaning on and on about the agony.
i basically got locked out, and my lovely neighbour let me into her garden and i climbed the wall with a ladder. it was when i was sitting a-top of the monster structure i realised i was wearing heels, and couldnt jump becuase i would probably break my ankle. so instead i tried to lover myself down facing the wall. it turns out this was a DUMB ASS idea becuase i just slipped doen the length of the wall, (which ised to be an air raid shelter and is full of rusty nails) and now i look like i need self-harming therepy or the police to save me from a wife-beating husband.
also, the students at college thought this was really funny, and they were amazed to find out i was sober when this little adventure took place. the staff were no better, regard conversation with simon (boss):
Me: Look at my poor arm, I fell of a wall. (pull mock sad face)
Simon: What do you want, a certificate or somthing? (real laughing)
i basically got locked out, and my lovely neighbour let me into her garden and i climbed the wall with a ladder. it was when i was sitting a-top of the monster structure i realised i was wearing heels, and couldnt jump becuase i would probably break my ankle. so instead i tried to lover myself down facing the wall. it turns out this was a DUMB ASS idea becuase i just slipped doen the length of the wall, (which ised to be an air raid shelter and is full of rusty nails) and now i look like i need self-harming therepy or the police to save me from a wife-beating husband.
also, the students at college thought this was really funny, and they were amazed to find out i was sober when this little adventure took place. the staff were no better, regard conversation with simon (boss):
Me: Look at my poor arm, I fell of a wall. (pull mock sad face)
Simon: What do you want, a certificate or somthing? (real laughing)
Monday, September 19, 2005
tell me why i dont like mondays
actually, i dont mind them, i just am having a bum one otday as i have so damn much to do! firstly i had to hang around at the hospital to get a blood test done for over an hour. (hospitals are great places for feeling ill- everyone looks so damn miseable) now i am at uni, and i have just today to sort out my unit for the first year on war and memory. i have had some good feedback on it so far, and i have a few things to change. I really want to maske a success of this to show anyone who cares that i am a good teacher and i can handle this level of responsibility.
anyway, i also have some legal mortgage type forms to fill out, and they confuse me and make me feel a bit think and infuriated at the same time. example: one of the searches done by the soliciter showed that there was a "clinical contanimant risk" near the house. i panic, and it turns out the be the very hospital i was sat in today, which i dont consider a risk at all! so i think they just di it to confuse me.
anyway, i had a ncie evening in the pub with sarch, i didnt drink hardly anything and yet i still managed to fall upstaris and split open my knee, which has now bleed all over my favouriste jeans! damn high heels, still on the up side i am two rows off finishing my mittens. i have to say they are a bit chunky but i am sure they will be very warm.
anyway, i also have some legal mortgage type forms to fill out, and they confuse me and make me feel a bit think and infuriated at the same time. example: one of the searches done by the soliciter showed that there was a "clinical contanimant risk" near the house. i panic, and it turns out the be the very hospital i was sat in today, which i dont consider a risk at all! so i think they just di it to confuse me.
anyway, i had a ncie evening in the pub with sarch, i didnt drink hardly anything and yet i still managed to fall upstaris and split open my knee, which has now bleed all over my favouriste jeans! damn high heels, still on the up side i am two rows off finishing my mittens. i have to say they are a bit chunky but i am sure they will be very warm.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
lots to talk about

so its just as well david has gone to london today to see his mum and dad- menas i get a chance to get some quality blogging done, and maybe even some work! god forbit, i might actually make a dent on editing the intro section.....
today lots of nice things are happening. i am packing the box with all the bits i have assembled for my secret knitting friend. i have got her some mohair is her favourite color, some self patterning argil yarn for socks, a how to chrchet book, a wedding related tea light holder and some relaxing nice smelly spray stuff. it is all good, i am so so so excited that she will love it to bits! at least, i hope so. i am realy getting into this planning to spoil someone, and i am looking forward to being spoilt myself.
and today i am meeting a new knitting friend, who got in contact with the knitting group i am in through my lys. she is called sarach and seems really really nice, so it will be a pleasure to have her round for a cup of tea and some knitting chat.
speaking of which, i have finished * and pressed * and sewn up* the shrug! woohooo. even david has comented it didnt look like a batman style cape any more, and he said it "made me look pretty." mind, he would say that about anything, i think his mum trained him. still, i am glad to have it out of the way and now i can work on my new hat, scarf and mittend from rowan! the yarn alone cost me over 30 quid! so these will be lovely as they are merino yarn and very soft. (see pictures)
then this afternoon i am pooteling over to see my parents who have been on holiday in france for a fortnight, and then out for drinks with sarach who has been in ibiza. (why dont i get more holidays? oh yeah- tuition fees) i have been on a no caffine and no alchol thing for 2 weeks, so one glass of wine will probably floor me!
Thursday, September 15, 2005
secret knitting pal questions
Secret Pal 6
I have done this survey so many times before, but the answers seem to change at times.
1. Are you a yarn snob (do you prefer higher quality and/or natural fibers)? Do you avoid Red Heart and Lion Brand? Or is it all the same to you?
I like almost all yarn, but not the weird scratch acrylic stuff.
2. Do you spin? Crochet?
Neither yet, but I would love to learn!
3. Do you have any allergies? (smoke, pets, fibers, perfume, etc.)
Smoke yuk. Everything else ok!
4. How long have you been knitting?
8 months ish.
5. Do you have an Amazon or other online wish list?
No. (too much temptation)
6. What's your favorite scent? (for candles, bath products etc.)
Flowers, cookies, fresh washing.
7. Do you have a sweet tooth?
Unfortunately! :)
8. What other crafts or Do-It-Yourself things do you like to do?
I keep a scrap book of things my husband and I have done, and I am learning to sew.
9. What kind of music do you like? Can your computer/stereo play MP3s?
Mps yes! I like all sorts- the manics, coldplay, franz ferdinand, um, nirvana, kaiser cheifs, the killers....
10. What's your favorite color? Or--do you have a color family/season/palette you prefer? Any colors you just can't stand?
Love all colours- supprise me!
11. What is your family situation? Do you have any pets?
Married with 1 cat, one kitten and some fish.
12. What are your life dreams? (really stretching it here, I know)
Be happy, finish the PHD, get a proper job, and have children.
13. What is/are your favorite yarn/s to knit with?
I love soft yarn- i have been toying with kidsilk haze. mmmmmm.
14. What fibers do you absolutely *not* like?
none really.
15. What is/are your current knitting obsession/s?Making things for my nephews
Ever ongoing shrug! Being brave enough to try and proper jumpoer or cardi..
16. What is/are your favorite item/s to knit?
Quick things and BIG bad ass yarn.
17. What are you knitting right now?
shrug and baby cardigan.
18. What do you think about ponchos?
Love them
19. Do you prefer straight or circular needles?
Depends on the project
20. Bamboo, aluminum, plastic?
21. Are you a sock knitter?
Not yet.
22. How did you learn to knit?
My friend yvonne taught me.
23. How old is your oldest UFO?
6 months?
24. What is your favorite animated character or a favorite animal/bird?
dont really have one.
25. What is your favorite holiday?
My birthday?! Or Christmas.
26. Is there anything that you collect?
Yarn!! And yoga magazines. and plants.
27. What knitting magazine subscriptions do you have?
I always buy the Rowan books.
28. Any books out there you are dying to get your hands on? LOts! will have to think about that.
29. Any patterns you have been coveting, but haven't bought for one reason or another??
Not at the mo.
30. What are your foot measurements, and what kind of socks do you like?
Size 5ish and I love all socks!!
I have done this survey so many times before, but the answers seem to change at times.
1. Are you a yarn snob (do you prefer higher quality and/or natural fibers)? Do you avoid Red Heart and Lion Brand? Or is it all the same to you?
I like almost all yarn, but not the weird scratch acrylic stuff.
2. Do you spin? Crochet?
Neither yet, but I would love to learn!
3. Do you have any allergies? (smoke, pets, fibers, perfume, etc.)
Smoke yuk. Everything else ok!
4. How long have you been knitting?
8 months ish.
5. Do you have an Amazon or other online wish list?
No. (too much temptation)
6. What's your favorite scent? (for candles, bath products etc.)
Flowers, cookies, fresh washing.
7. Do you have a sweet tooth?
Unfortunately! :)
8. What other crafts or Do-It-Yourself things do you like to do?
I keep a scrap book of things my husband and I have done, and I am learning to sew.
9. What kind of music do you like? Can your computer/stereo play MP3s?
Mps yes! I like all sorts- the manics, coldplay, franz ferdinand, um, nirvana, kaiser cheifs, the killers....
10. What's your favorite color? Or--do you have a color family/season/palette you prefer? Any colors you just can't stand?
Love all colours- supprise me!
11. What is your family situation? Do you have any pets?
Married with 1 cat, one kitten and some fish.
12. What are your life dreams? (really stretching it here, I know)
Be happy, finish the PHD, get a proper job, and have children.
13. What is/are your favorite yarn/s to knit with?
I love soft yarn- i have been toying with kidsilk haze. mmmmmm.
14. What fibers do you absolutely *not* like?
none really.
15. What is/are your current knitting obsession/s?Making things for my nephews
Ever ongoing shrug! Being brave enough to try and proper jumpoer or cardi..
16. What is/are your favorite item/s to knit?
Quick things and BIG bad ass yarn.
17. What are you knitting right now?
shrug and baby cardigan.
18. What do you think about ponchos?
Love them
19. Do you prefer straight or circular needles?
Depends on the project
20. Bamboo, aluminum, plastic?
21. Are you a sock knitter?
Not yet.
22. How did you learn to knit?
My friend yvonne taught me.
23. How old is your oldest UFO?
6 months?
24. What is your favorite animated character or a favorite animal/bird?
dont really have one.
25. What is your favorite holiday?
My birthday?! Or Christmas.
26. Is there anything that you collect?
Yarn!! And yoga magazines. and plants.
27. What knitting magazine subscriptions do you have?
I always buy the Rowan books.
28. Any books out there you are dying to get your hands on? LOts! will have to think about that.
29. Any patterns you have been coveting, but haven't bought for one reason or another??
Not at the mo.
30. What are your foot measurements, and what kind of socks do you like?
Size 5ish and I love all socks!!
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
day of the end of the shrug
i think that title is a little over blown- but yay, I am on the last 2 inches of the on-going shrug! so woopdie doo. i will, i promised, borrow a camera to get a picture. it has turned out great, and now i am on the hunt for a new project. i think it is cold enough to warrent making the winter hat, scarf and mittens combo, and i have opted for a rowan big wool threesome- mmmm, sexy soft rowan.... now i only have to sell my kidey and i can afford it.
Monday, September 12, 2005
at uni
i decided to go into uni today to try and organise the PG forum funding. Get this: The Student union have given us 100 quid to spend on the freshers fayre and welcome drinks. BUT we dont get the money as such, we have to claim it back- which means spending it first, and i dont have it!
any ideas?
any ideas?
Saturday, September 10, 2005
day of the diy
i dont know when i happened but i am turnign into one of those middle aged people who potter round b and q. in fact today (this is shameful) i went 3 times!
once for varnish
once because i forgot the new handles for my writing buero
and one because the sodding handles were the wrong size and the varnish ran out.
so the result of this was that i managed to get the handles to fit. they and spanking lovely silver round ones- yummy. i also painted the white bench for the garden, and upholstered the seat in the blue cheque, and i managed to guilt david into varnishing the outside furniture, which had gone all peely and sad from being in the rain.
so lots done today, and tomorrow back to packing my books. what a life!
once for varnish
once because i forgot the new handles for my writing buero
and one because the sodding handles were the wrong size and the varnish ran out.
so the result of this was that i managed to get the handles to fit. they and spanking lovely silver round ones- yummy. i also painted the white bench for the garden, and upholstered the seat in the blue cheque, and i managed to guilt david into varnishing the outside furniture, which had gone all peely and sad from being in the rain.
so lots done today, and tomorrow back to packing my books. what a life!
Friday, September 09, 2005
inspiration for knitting!!!
the new knitty is out! got to knitty.com and prepared to be blown away! damn i love that site, and I live how the code the patterns, so even a dumb ass like me can have a go at them! woohoo.
yesterday, the new rowan book arived in the post, and that is also full of lovely things- in particualr, there is a shawl using kidsilk haze, which i think might be an easier alternative to the beech pattern which was all the rage a few months ago- i am feeling brave and it is now on my list of things-to-knit.
in the mean time, is was knitting group last nite, and the catering was fab- it was all home baked by tom, and he even made ginger bread men, one of which had a lucky butt crack, the proud finder of this one got a prize!!! (wasnt me though : ( ) I do like knitting group, but I think it would be cool to expand as at the moment there is quite a central core of people who know each other from one place, and i want a bigger mix of people. Not that the ones now arent lovely, just i dont want to end up too clique-ish. so if your in portsmouth and you knit then get in contact!
yesterday, the new rowan book arived in the post, and that is also full of lovely things- in particualr, there is a shawl using kidsilk haze, which i think might be an easier alternative to the beech pattern which was all the rage a few months ago- i am feeling brave and it is now on my list of things-to-knit.
in the mean time, is was knitting group last nite, and the catering was fab- it was all home baked by tom, and he even made ginger bread men, one of which had a lucky butt crack, the proud finder of this one got a prize!!! (wasnt me though : ( ) I do like knitting group, but I think it would be cool to expand as at the moment there is quite a central core of people who know each other from one place, and i want a bigger mix of people. Not that the ones now arent lovely, just i dont want to end up too clique-ish. so if your in portsmouth and you knit then get in contact!
Thursday, September 08, 2005
putting it together
i am in a strange lull before work starts, when i have no actual phd on the go.... a strange land, when the temptation is to knit all day and visit friends. (which I did yesterday- HI Marcia!) So instead I am going to focus on putting together my unit for uni on war and memory. I managed to find the draft outline in the end- and so today after cycling to get some blood taken, i am going to pad it out and make it a kick ass unit! the sort that has pictures, and cool film references and isnt dry and crispy. i think that the chance to share some of my research is such an amazing opportunity, and i am glad that i get the change to teach it- so it is worth all the extra effect to make the unit sexy.
and it is knitting group tonight, i am not hostessing (THANK GOD) but i still have to back summat to take over to toms house.... i feeeeeelll that I might have to get the cooking with chocolate book out! will let you know how it goes.
and it is knitting group tonight, i am not hostessing (THANK GOD) but i still have to back summat to take over to toms house.... i feeeeeelll that I might have to get the cooking with chocolate book out! will let you know how it goes.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
not back at work
yesterday there was a "mix up," and college in fact hasnt started back yet, i have until thursday. bare in mind that i rang in to check the days, and can ill afford the petrol to drive miles for a nin existant class and i think you are getting close to how grumpy i was yesterday. so i decided to make the most of already not feeling like typing, and went into uni instead for a bit. i had a meeting to go over some teaching stuff, and then i tried to sneak photocopy some knitting patterns when no one is looking. FACT- it is supprisingly difficult to make rowan look like something more academic.
i am still waiting to hear back from the other job application at the more local uni- but it has only been 3 days since the last day for application- so i dont think there is any need to panic yet.
regarding knitting, i am still plodding on with the shrug. i didnt get any done last nite as the new series of csi needed my full attention, but it is def looking longer and more like a garment, although my ever lovely husband asked me "if i was making a cape." thanks dave!
i am still waiting to hear back from the other job application at the more local uni- but it has only been 3 days since the last day for application- so i dont think there is any need to panic yet.
regarding knitting, i am still plodding on with the shrug. i didnt get any done last nite as the new series of csi needed my full attention, but it is def looking longer and more like a garment, although my ever lovely husband asked me "if i was making a cape." thanks dave!
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
starting back at work
yes, today i have to leave behind the days of type-type-knit-read and go back to telling people stuff about things that they are not interested in. its not that i dont love teaching, just its not often anyone seems to notice how bloody hard it is, or that you are trying to make the whole thing more enjoyable.
on an up note try this for brekkie: one orange peeled, an apple but not the middle bit, two bannanas, some stawberries and a glug of oj- then bled the whole lot till it looks like baby food and drink. mmmmmmmm. now thats fibre! yum, and (i think) you daily allowance of fruit!)
on an up note try this for brekkie: one orange peeled, an apple but not the middle bit, two bannanas, some stawberries and a glug of oj- then bled the whole lot till it looks like baby food and drink. mmmmmmmm. now thats fibre! yum, and (i think) you daily allowance of fruit!)
Monday, September 05, 2005
i am feeling a bit blurgh today- not ill of anything like that, just a sort of disquiet and i cant settle to anything. I think it may be due to the on going not having a proper job situation sorted out, and i am worrying that having now told everyone i have applied for a job, i may not get it. and then i will be stuck doing somthing more demanding and difficult all year. pls the weather sucks and i am feeling for the people in america stuck with nothing. damn, i hate george bush as much as the next student, but i would never have thought the government would have left so many people in such desperate need.
and the knitting is going nowhere! and i dont even feel motivated to go to yoga.....maybe i should eat ice creame, or worms.....
and the knitting is going nowhere! and i dont even feel motivated to go to yoga.....maybe i should eat ice creame, or worms.....
Saturday, September 03, 2005

knitting group went GREAT! everyone ate all the foot, no one knocked much over and i felt an over wealming feeling of kinship with the lovely people! i am still plugging away at the top- i recond i am about a 3rd of the way through, so at least another two weeks to go.
i am having a great weekend- my friend patricia is comming to stay and we have been eating italian food- drinking wine- and bitching about everything! very cathartic.
and the other good news is my sexy new chair came today, which i love. see picture and drool.....
Thursday, September 01, 2005
hostess anxiety
tonight it is my turn to hoast the knitting group. I live more on the outskirts of twon, and as yet have been traveling in to the centre to other peoples houses. so this is a big deal to me, as they all have to make the journey. In order to make it worth their while, i have been worrying about what nibbles and food to serve. We have a tradition of home backing for the other members, which means i cant just open packets. so i have to bake, and cook and knit and look like it ois effortless and i hdavnt been fretting about it for days!
david is going out to play pool during this invasion (who can blame him?) and I am going to be sat in double fretting about getting drinks and playing good hostess. Im not sure what it is, but this sort of thing really draws out the 1950s housewife in me. so, no cheating- a whole full on day of getting stuff ready and trying to type the conclusion to my chapter!
david is going out to play pool during this invasion (who can blame him?) and I am going to be sat in double fretting about getting drinks and playing good hostess. Im not sure what it is, but this sort of thing really draws out the 1950s housewife in me. so, no cheating- a whole full on day of getting stuff ready and trying to type the conclusion to my chapter!
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