Yes I have been very quiet, but so much has been happening I wanted to havr time to reflect on the lovely christmas we have had before rishing to consign it to the bogging annals.
Lets get one thing out of the way first, david and I had our first scan for the bean, and everything was ok. In fact it was better than ok, I will get the picture of this blog, but you could see everything. I am sure i saw the bean wave, and you could see him/her opening thier mouth, wiggeling about and all the limbs. the spine was very prominant, and you could even see the tiny heart and stomach. this totally blew me away, as it seems so odd that my body can grow this little thing, which is just such a perfect tiny being. im not a religious person, but its hard to deny that some sort of planning didnt go into the way that the bean can grow inside and be safe until they are ready to come out.
i will get the picture sorted, which leads me to the other nice thing, christmas! David and i had a lovely time. He got me a digital camara, and i have taken zillions of pictures.... of cats, the tree, us, the pressies, the food, everything that woidl stay still long ebough. once i work out the connection from the camara to the computer, i will get some of these up here for all to see.
on christmas eve we drove to davids mamas in london, and had a ncei festive time with him mob. they put up the decorations, ate a lot of nice food and were generally spoilt, it was lovely to see them and we got back in quick time as there was no traffic at all. we then hit away at home on xmas day, ate A LOT of potatoes and bread sauce and snuggled up to watch tv really meant for children. we were both consciouess that next year will be very different, so we really made the most of it being just us. bliss. then on boxing day, we went to my mamas, and were very amused that my dad is obcessed with the game bopit. this is as addictive as crack cocaine ( i guess) but i am rubbish at it, boys seem to feind it strangely alluring. we also ate a lto fo food there, and played happy family baord games.
all in all it was lovely, i hope you christmas was as nice....