1-my fish keep on looking more and more ill. All i can summerise is that they are only happy when money is being spent on fish medicene which does no good at all.
2-the room booking people at uni are all on some sort of brain numbing drugs and have put me all over campus next semester. (i will be so much fun walking/running 20 mins) for each class when im 7 months gone!
3-the kitten peed on the chair AGAIN despite it being doused in the anti-cat stuff
4-due to my own brain deadnesss no ebay clothes have arrived, ergo i have nothing to wear.
5-the chap whose office i am squating in at work has come back before i was told he was due back. so i have to move all my stuff out. bloody typical
6- wool is still not free on the nhs.
good things:
1-debbie is so happy with her baby, and everything is ok.
2- i got my hair cut and it looks nice.
3-portsmouth have offered me "one or two" hours next semester a week. it turn out that the students felt i was "good at teaching" shock horror!
4-david put the dishes away before he went to work.
5- ultra sound on friday
6-i am still alive.
6 all.
picture is of fish before they all started to get the plague.
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