Sunday, February 05, 2006

boys names

can anyone think of any, we only like elijah or ethan, and cant think of much else, we dont want chavvy names or anything too common......


we rearragned the front room this weekend and then went swimming. nice. i have to go into hospital tomorrow for the vomiting thing, which i am quite nervous about. will let you know how it went.


Anonymous said...

everard. godfrey. uriah. mervyn. bartholomew. hieronymus. wolfgang. roland. methuselah.

didn't go to the raf museum at the weekend, cos of self-induced illness after a party on saturday night. next weekend more possible but slightly dodge as i have to go to richard's scary sister's bday party!

good luck with the vomiting thing...


pretendingsanity said...

boy names are the hardest how about Ian? It's too close to Eden for me, I have a hard enough time calling the kids by the right name as it is!

I also like Seth.