Saturday, November 05, 2005

thank you sp6!

Yes, yet again my secret knitting friend has made my day! They sent me: lovely scrummy soft chunky demin wool. (think it may become a wee clutch bag), a marilyn monroe card (one of my all time favourite actresses!) some hot chocolate drinks, (is this woman psychic?!) and a rowan funky pub knitting book, which has more ways i can fritter my wages that you could shake a large stick at! she also has taken to spoiling david, and sent him an earnest hemmingway book in recongition of his heroic marathon running deeds. we are both dead chuffed, and it has certainly taken the edge of doing broing house things that will occupy the rest of the day like:
putting up fire alarms
going to the tip
putting up pictures.
you get the idea, when did i become my mother?
one particualr triumph though has been in my poloyfillering the massive hole made in the wall when miving in the sofa, it looks quite good, perhaps i was a plaster in a previous life? anyway, thank you sp6!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Both ou and David are very very welcome!
Take care