Tuesday, June 27, 2006

learning curve

has been quite sharp. to think, i once imagined that i would get better sleep from uncomfortable pregnancy when the bean was here! HA! I was so silly. and poo in nappies changes colour from sort of black tar like goo to yellow mustary stuff.

hummm. also no one tells you how much you can love your baby. i never thought anyone would mean as much to me as dave, but now i have two boys i would do anything for!

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Finley Bean Christopher

Our son was born on the 20th, at 3.18pm, he weighed 8lbs 6oz, and is totally perfect in every way.

The birth didnt go as planned, but after 4 days of pre-labour and 15 hours of normal labour he was delivered via c-section as an emmergency.

We are at home now getting used to being a little familly, everything is perfect- he was worth the wait!

Friday, June 16, 2006


so, on wendesday night i starting having little ickly niggely pains, that turned into period pains, and have been returing every 20-5 mins, or every 5 mins, or ever 7 mins or when ever they feel like it. the pain is bareable, and so i think that this last 24 hours+ is ju7st the build up to some mega pain.......... anyway, at least somthing is happening.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

yes still here

saw the midwife today for my 41 (!!!!) week appointment. this is the one based in portsmouth, they kept us waiting for 45 minutes and then said that i may be "a bit stressed" give the woman a medal, godness knows all that medical training has come in handy for making that diognosis!!

anyway, today is going to be spent reading new scientist magazines lent to me by ben to try and strop my brain rotting, cleaning the kitching floor on my hands and knees (someone told me it started thier mums labour) and probably watching football of some type. woopdie doo. i can just about remember the days when i went to work at 7, then went to tescos and then to yoga, i am sure i used to be able to do thingsz without wincing or it being painful. i suppose that all this is the kind of thing you forgot once the baby is here, if i seem in danger of forgetting, can someone please remind me?!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

still here

yes, still here sat around. apparently my mother in law (hi terry!) thinks i am going nuts sat at home, david pointed out to me that there was a fine line between my normal mental state and nuts before! cheeky git.

i just got an email from my friend nicky, she had the perfect birth! no pain relief and was just an all out star. i dont know if i have told you my theory on this, but here we go: i think births are like a-levels, only so many good ones to go around, so if all my friends have perfect births, then there wont be any left and i will have to have a c-section. i know this makes no sense in the universal pattern of things, but it is an idea quite firmly rooted in my head. odd. maybe i am going a little bit funny sat at home after all.

come on bean!!! 6 days overdue now!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

not my waters breaking

last night at 1am i thought my waters had broken.... there was watery stuff coming from me (uegh, no nicer way of saying that!) and so we rang the hospital who said to go in.... 6 hours later they decided it may have been either the hind waters or somthing else that you dont want to know about...

anyway, i got all excited and now i am back to sitting around. mind, i guess this means that things may be about to happen (?) please!!

Monday, June 12, 2006

congratulations to lou!

yes, another one has dropped..... lou had lilly grace, 8lbs 10 (ish) on Saturday. dammit!!!

i am now totally sick of people ringing and texting to ask if the baby is here yet, and then i get all sorts of useless advice about eating curries, driving over pot holes and hav ing sex. trust me, i have tried all of this and nothing has worked! so today is the 4th day over due, and i suppose on the bright side, i only have a week to go until the induction date. but i really REALLY^ dont want to me induced, as this rather tends to lead toward having cesarian births, and i really dont want that, not at all. so, today i am going to my nct class coffee morning, and then my mum is coming round this afternoon to stop me going spare.

i have run out of thing to clean, so i think organising little distracting jollies out is nows the way to go, that and spending time sitting in the beans room meeping and wondering if he ever plans to get here, or if being pregnant for this long is just an act of univerfsal karma for soming i did wrong!

funny fact: the bean likes music ok, but he realy likes football noise. we have been watching the world cup and he goes nuts when the crown makes a big noise! you can tell he is daves son, the other thing he likes is it you hold this baby einstein flashing toy next to my tummy, he tries to turn to the flashy lights!

Friday, June 09, 2006

congratulations to nicky!

my friend from yoga who had a 7lb girl on the 8th, called emily grace.

ok, so im half congratulating and half so jelous i have actually cried a bit. i think the bean has decided to stay put as he knows what a horrible mother i will be! it seems weird that the whole giving birth thing is such a natural process, and that i seem to suck at it! i mean, there are things i can accept being bad at, like maths, crosswords, countdown, making cakes, going on trains, admiting im wrong... but i just assumed that i would be ok at this becuase EVERYONE is, or at least everyone else seems to be. it doesnt help that now i have had my best name and my due date stolen!

Thursday, June 08, 2006


so yesterday it was one day to go,..... today i am supposed to be avec bean. there is no bean here yet and no sign one one making an enterance either.

so today i am going back to hospital again to have somthing called a membrane sweep done. if you know what this is feel sorry for me, if you dont, then google it and be afraid.

anyway, everyone is at work so i am going on my own, which is fine, i am just hoping that this may be the kick start the little whatsit needs to get going.

at nct on tuesday there was a supprise visit from a baby born 6 weeks early to one of the couple in the class, they have (CANNOT BELIEVE THIS) given him the name that we had almost decided on. im not angry as such as it is first come first served butim not best pleased. hunph.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


I hearby declare that if the cherry coke you took from the fridge is not replaced by this evening at 7pm I shall:

cease all housework, including hoovering, dusting, and washing up
refuse to iron anything of yours ever again
place all the bit of me you are partial too in a "david free" zone and will not be touchable.
Refrain from all sexual activity
refuse to have the bean so i get even more grumpy and hormonal
get a huge credit card and spent it all today on shoes that hurt and handbags that are over priced
tourment the cats so they attack you when you get in
refuse to let you have any bed or duvet EVER again
not make you the chocolate muffins i promised

you have been warned!!!!

Monday, June 05, 2006

3 days to go..

have had a nice weekend, went to the beach on saturday and sat around like a beached whale there is photogrpahic proof of this, but i cant work out how to lower the resolution of my images so they dont take an hr to load onto blogger! anyway, then we can back, watched the football (get some practice in at asking irritating questions, like "so, how come they dont get a penalty when the england players dive?") and then slept lots. woke up sunday is a really crappy mood, which was not helped by david decided to "fix" the stairs banister when in fact he ripped it off the wall.

quite a major huff ensued on my part, but it is now back on the wall with the hones mopr or less sorted. my dad put up shelves in the bathroom and now i am ready for the bean!!!! ]we couldnt have more food in the freezer just ready for defrosting, and to be honest, the highlight of today is going to the council to pick up the various benefit forms to which we become entitled once bean is here.... if youd have told me a few years ago that this would seem like a worthwhile and interesting trip i would have sneered a\t you!

may possibly also bake some muffins, at least then if i keep dave in a sugar induced coma he wont be so keen to take the house to pieces!

Friday, June 02, 2006

6 days to go

6 days to go....... i am getting impatient!!!!!!!!! very.