Our son was born on the 20th, at 3.18pm, he weighed 8lbs 6oz, and is totally perfect in every way.
The birth didnt go as planned, but after 4 days of pre-labour and 15 hours of normal labour he was delivered via c-section as an emmergency.
We are at home now getting used to being a little familly, everything is perfect- he was worth the wait!
Awww Rach, David he's BEAUTIFUL!!! Little Finlay has finally arrived hooray!
8lbs 6, god he was a big boy, Kyle was 8lbs 3! See the advice about getting more 3-6 month clothes was good huh?
I'm off to USA on weds so I'll see you when we get back. Bigs hugs to all of you and enjoy every moment you have with him, he is gorgeous and you both look soooooo proud.
Well done Rachel, love ya loads and see you all soon.
Kez,Luke and Boys.xxx
sorry my bad I spelt his name wrong DUH!
Forgive me it's the nerves/anxiety about flying.
Finley Bean Christopher, you have a fantastic mummy and daddy.x
OH my goodness!!! He is so sweet! Congratulations!! And I love his name.
Well done Rachel, sorry the birth didn't go to plan but he's here and that's all that matters. After such along wait you must have been exhausted!
Finley looks absolutely gorgeous and congratulations you are now a family. I'll be looking to you for tips when Pea arrives.
Loads of love
thank you everyone! he is pretty damn cute, even when he goes all red pre-crying!
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