Thursday, April 20, 2006

scan tomorrow

we have another scan tomorrow, to check the placenta has moved out of the way for the birth (!) if not a c-section is on the cards.... will have to wait and see. but the up side of all this medical worrying is we get to see the bean again, and check once and for all that he is a boy! would be a major shock now if it was a girl after all..... will have to wait and see.

my friend with the MAHOOSIVE house is coming over today, so i have to find a way of making our house look twice as big in the next few house... is this possible? no? damn, well i suppose then she will just have to marvel at how the other (less well paid) half live. haha.

1 comment:

pretendingsanity said...

I suppose the scan has already happened, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed anyway. :)