Sunday, October 01, 2006

weekend away

yes, david and i have just returned from our first weekend away from fin! i had to express more milk than they usually have on sale in tesco, but it was worth it. we drove to our posh hotel (room won on the net by dave, well done daddy!) and ate a lot of food, (about 100 quids worth) and i had wine. it runs out that if you dont drink for over a year, two glasses of wone is your limit if you intend to walk home! haha. then on saturday dave went and got fine and nana and grandad (daves parents) who had been baby sitting and we spent the day together, which was really nice. had a pub lunch and a mooch about. then dave took them back and i sat in the hot tub for a hr, got a bit dizy, had a shower and tarted myself up for the evening meal, where we ate another copious amount of food. then we had a walk on the worlds darkest windy beech and went to bed. up this morning and then more hot tub before breakfast, then drove home becaus ei was missing the boy. he was FINE, and is now eating baby mush! so far:

baby rice: loved it
carrot: loved it
pear: didnt touch the sides
parsnip: pulled a face to start with but then ate it all and smeared the rest all over his face and clothes.

thank you to davis mum and dad for looking after him!

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