Wednesday, May 31, 2006

more midwife

so today is the last appointment FOR SURE and david has managed to blag the afternoon off to come with me!! yay. i seem to have a problem remembering what I am supposed to be asking, i think i must come across like a docile cow, sort of big eyes and massive... like what cows look like before they are milked. eeewwwwwww.

anyway, the last few days have been spent like this:

cook some food to freeze (very successful carrot, corriander and orange soup) go swimming, go to the library, huff a bit mostly at david becuase he is around and will take it, fend off texts from well meaning idiots asking if i have had him yet, and sit in the garden besiged by cats while i try and knit. actually, i thought i would be going nuts after a week, but am finding this doing not a lot quite tiring and so ifeel like i have been busy even when i havnt. this is perhaps keeping me from going stir crazy.

anyway, i have told me bean ANYTIME now is fine, except in supermarkets and maybe the pool! haha

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