Friday, May 12, 2006

one more week of work to go

THANK GOD! it is too hot and i am to hufty to have to deal with people who are obviously resisting the urge to pat me, or keep looking at the bump in horror!

today i am off shopping for yet more bean things with my mama, need a nursing bra which apparently you get TWO CUP SIZES bigger, which will make my boobs bigger than jordan! arrrgghhh. david is (supprise) quite pleased about this, as he has not yet worked out that soon the boobs will no longer be a go-zone for him. poor boy!

saw the midwife yesterday, she said the bean was "a very contented baby" but also still rather huge on the growth chart. still, the curve of growth seemed in proportion, so thats good news. i have been collecting people addressees so i can do the envelopes for the birth announcement cards before the bean is here, one less anal job to worry about when the main concern will be nappies etc. i thought this was organised, but i hear that apparently it is just odd.


pretendingsanity said...

eee!!! I'm getting excited. Promise that you'll post about the birth as soon as you can?

rachel said...

of course! three and a half weeks left!!! (and counting the days till i get get out of bed without rolling!)