Wednesday, December 06, 2006

so what have we been doing?

me: started knitting a teddy for fin. written half of my christmas cards, been buying decorations and things for holiday, editing a phd chapter, usual cleaning and that sort of thing. in theory tonight i am supposed to be going out with the gurls from mummy group for a pizza, but im not sure i can be bothered after the disaster that was mondyas attempted outing to see santa. (they told us to turn up at half 9, and the grotto didnt open till 12!) so, if any one fancies comming to see santa with me and the bean please let me know because i dont want to take him on my own, is more of a moment to share.

david: going to work, getting excited about the holiday, not doing any ironing, eating sandwitches i make him, and grumping a bit becuase the kntting is getting more attention than he is!

fin: growing teeth, eating new thingd (like fish and pasta!) discovering the joy of taking the magnets off the fridge, running over the cats in his trotter, chewing books, flirting with blond women, and growing out of his 6-9 month clothes.

i got fin weighed yesterday and he was 19 lbs 4.... i was quite supprised as i thought he would be at least 20 lbs by now. still, he is hardly starving. anyone got any tips for travelling with babies ona plane?

still, no camera lead but if i get my butt is gear i will go and get one today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

see here for tips for flying with a baby

emma & ava