Tuesday, December 13, 2005


apologies for the long silence, but as I am convinced I am talking to myself, I dont think it matters so much! I have been nusy, faffing about with christmas stuff, (got the ttree up and it is BEAUTIFUL) or at least it was wehn i left the house before the kitten got a hold of it, also been marking.... and bringing in mince pies for ingrateful students.

the big news is that i had a midwife appointment yesterday and althought they got the scan date mixed up, we did get to hear the beans heart beat!!!!! It didnt go BA BOMM BA BOMM, it went NUH NUH NUH NUH NUH NUH NUH NUH NUH about twice as fast. It was without a doubt the strangest thing to ever happen to me, and it makes me all happy even though i feel like an extra from one of the aliens films.the scans is a week on friday, so pictures to follow!

the knitting has also been kicked in starting by the nearness of my firend debbies baby, and i have started a set in "snuggly bubbbly" yarn sorty of blue and white effect with pompoms.... very cute and ahhhhhish.

1 comment:

pretendingsanity said...

ah, the heart beat! congrats on the heart beat! Just wait till you get to see your new little one on the ultrasound, talk about blow your mind!