Monday, August 15, 2005

bought a house!

Yay! David and I have actually managed to buy a house! it is a two bed in Portsmouth will a nice garden and a tree!! I am v excited, only now we will have to spend some dosh on an oven and so on!

So that is a weight off......

I have also done about 4000 words on my last draft chapter, which is great as it means I should be finished by the end of August before teachign starts again. I am glad to be getting the drafts finsihed but I hate editing like mad- so the next year will be tough.

Also, my friend Kim is hosting Portsmouth 1st ever Stitch and Bitch- so if you are in the area drop me a line and I will give you the address, which I am hoping will take my mind of my lack of funding for the PhD again next year. I got the letter from the AHRC on Saturday, saying that my project wasnt within thier remit. Bastards! So if anyone is feeling benevolant and wants to give me some free money then please go ahead!

1 comment:

pretendingsanity said...

YAY on the house!! I can't wait to see pictures. :)