Thursday, August 18, 2005

Knitting group

Last night was so much fun! (but I have realised I am a knitting nerd and there is no way back!) There 5 of us in total. A lady called Glad, who was amking a fuzzy fun fur type scarf, Tom who is queen of knitting, making strange red squares, Kim making her chunky scarf, Phillipa marking a demin style scarf and me!

I am still doing the shrug, but I had a disaster when I bugger up a row, had to frog it and then went all wrong. BUT TOM came to the rescue, and put it back on the needles so it wasnt a total disaster.

He also tried to teach me how to crochet- which I suspect is harder than it looks. Still not a bad start to the group.

I think next week we are going to do posters and have it in a public place so more people can come.....

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