Monday, June 05, 2006

3 days to go..

have had a nice weekend, went to the beach on saturday and sat around like a beached whale there is photogrpahic proof of this, but i cant work out how to lower the resolution of my images so they dont take an hr to load onto blogger! anyway, then we can back, watched the football (get some practice in at asking irritating questions, like "so, how come they dont get a penalty when the england players dive?") and then slept lots. woke up sunday is a really crappy mood, which was not helped by david decided to "fix" the stairs banister when in fact he ripped it off the wall.

quite a major huff ensued on my part, but it is now back on the wall with the hones mopr or less sorted. my dad put up shelves in the bathroom and now i am ready for the bean!!!! ]we couldnt have more food in the freezer just ready for defrosting, and to be honest, the highlight of today is going to the council to pick up the various benefit forms to which we become entitled once bean is here.... if youd have told me a few years ago that this would seem like a worthwhile and interesting trip i would have sneered a\t you!

may possibly also bake some muffins, at least then if i keep dave in a sugar induced coma he wont be so keen to take the house to pieces!

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