Monday, June 12, 2006

congratulations to lou!

yes, another one has dropped..... lou had lilly grace, 8lbs 10 (ish) on Saturday. dammit!!!

i am now totally sick of people ringing and texting to ask if the baby is here yet, and then i get all sorts of useless advice about eating curries, driving over pot holes and hav ing sex. trust me, i have tried all of this and nothing has worked! so today is the 4th day over due, and i suppose on the bright side, i only have a week to go until the induction date. but i really REALLY^ dont want to me induced, as this rather tends to lead toward having cesarian births, and i really dont want that, not at all. so, today i am going to my nct class coffee morning, and then my mum is coming round this afternoon to stop me going spare.

i have run out of thing to clean, so i think organising little distracting jollies out is nows the way to go, that and spending time sitting in the beans room meeping and wondering if he ever plans to get here, or if being pregnant for this long is just an act of univerfsal karma for soming i did wrong!

funny fact: the bean likes music ok, but he realy likes football noise. we have been watching the world cup and he goes nuts when the crown makes a big noise! you can tell he is daves son, the other thing he likes is it you hold this baby einstein flashing toy next to my tummy, he tries to turn to the flashy lights!

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