Wednesday, January 11, 2006

hopsital visit

So yesterday I had to go to hospital to a thrombophilia clinic, to see a blood specialist due to my embolism when i was 17. suprise suprise! I will have to go ontot some form of medication for the rest of the pregnancy, most linkly in the form of a daily self administered injection. i really wanted to have as natural a pregnany as possible, and i am feeling quite gutted now.

in fact gutted doesnt touch it. i know i should be happy that everything is going well, but i still feel like a sort of failure, as on a level i cant even do propreally whan most women do naturally.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey dont be too dispondant its not your fault. your going to have a wonderful little babi and i will spoil it rotton.

from uncle adam