Thursday, October 27, 2005

got the keys!

and soent 2 hours there this morning cleaning. it is supprising that althuogh the builders have jsut left, them seem to have left a lot of dusty frubby dirt for us! still, it all looks nice now.

i am having a day where little things seem to be winding me up:

my parents: faffing over house. well meaning but annoying after a while
work: still have no idea who is supposde to be in some of my groups.
phd: supervisors have suggested i "reframe" the last chaper which is a ncie way of saying rewrite.
pg forum: not everyone has gotten backto me so I can sort the time table or call for papers.
cats: feeling abondoned
husband: grotty and tired
old house:site of wmd hit
garden: lokos like the somme
hair: bad.
knitting: packed some where!

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