Wednesday, October 12, 2005

no exchange today

no, in fact, no exchange on the house until next week, so we can do it when all the work is one an not put a retention on the realease of the mortgage. (them be grown up words!)

i went to work in chichester today, i spent 3 hours getting little 6 yr old kids to interview wwii veterans, they all seemed to have a great time, and for once my acaemic education wasnt in vain!

last night was the agm of the PG forum at uni, and I get to be president this year! SO i will now only reply if you call me la presidenta.....

apart from that things are good, the smitten kitten has to go and have his bits checked today pre to having them chipped n' snipped, but he seems ok.... (becuase he doesnt know, he will yowl like mad once in the box)

the plan is to finish my brother wrist warmers tonight, then start knitting a top for moi in kidsilk haze and another wool held together. sexy.

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