Tuesday, October 18, 2005

exchange is today!

woopdie doo! so at least the house thing is moving on enough that we will have somewhere to live come the move next week.... now all we have to do is pack!

work iswell at the moment, dont get me wrong, it still feels like enough work to drop a donkey, but all my teachign is going like i thought it would with no major panics or disasters, and the students seem to be responding.

all is not so good for poor david, who has man flu.. . that is, he has a big stinking cold and had to have a day off to make friends with the duvet. as i understand it he was avalanced with grateful cats who are normally left to their own devices in the day, and were glad of company with hands for cuddles. mind, despite his yunkness, he still cooked dinner and made me a packed lunch, so i feel looked after.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wowee, an actual house. congrats! i heard on the radio this morning that we are in for an extremely cold winter, which will be interesting in my surrealist flat. the windows don't keep noise out, the temperature is the same inside as out, the floor isn't flat, the bed broke when i lay in it, the curtains fall down if you draw them, the bookcase fell off the wall when i put books in it... i am thinking of opening it to public display as a found artwork - the anti-flat! i like it really, but oh to enter the market... axx