Sunday, November 06, 2005

knitting plans

in progress: legwarmers. (harder to knit in black than i thought!)

frogged: shawl, i have an idea to make the one in my new rowan knitting book with some of the kidsilk spangely new yarn, with two strands held together.... yum.

new: in the denim chunky i have opted for a scarf with little squares on it made from k 5, p 5, k 5 for 5 rowes, then p 5, k 5, p 5 for fives rowes repeated. well, that is the idea, i think in theory it will make squares. right?

plus, when we got back from buying a tree (called neville! says so on the label) i found the cats have broken into my wool cubboard, and found a ball of moasic wendy brown stuff, taken it to the sofa in the next room, and snuggled up with it. odd

1 comment:

rachel said...

well, i am doing quite a plane k2 p2 rib, which is co 44 stitches. it is sort of a ribb off of a pattern from another book. im not sure if it is the black that is throwing me, as it is harding to see mistakes. quite tempted to just buy some. (bad me!)