Friday, November 11, 2005

tgi friday

actually, i am for once, quite glad it is the end fo the week. I have to go back to the docs todaqy, which is making me nervous. i dont want them to tell me anything else bad, and i think instead of going, i would prefere going "la la la" instead.

however, i have to go, and i will not be fobbed off! then i am off to teach, and then my very lovely and VERY pregnant friend debbie is comming over to see the new house and go for lunch, which will be lovely. i have been cleaning the floors and sink so it at least looks superficially clean for her arrival.

the kitties are both ok- they have taken to using the bed like a trampline in the early hours of the mornign, which is just great. it you try and shove them off the bed, they think you are playing and pounce on your hand! little buggers.

knitting is now totally in aid of xmas pressies..... i am mostly making chunky scarfs, but for my friend alison i am doing somthing extra special and nice from the book given to me my Sp6! anyway, yoga tonight as well, so surly between all this knitting and forward bending i should be able to relax!


Anonymous said...

extra special and nice i like. good luck w the docs... axx

Anonymous said...

Glad things are kind of looking up - as for the book, I have separation anxiety from letting go!