Monday, November 28, 2005

thank you sp6! (again!)

I am so spoilt again! For the final reveal package, my SP6 (alison, whose website I am hoping she will send me a link too) posted me: an advent callander. (chocolcate is exempt from morngin sickness) a photo album, (added incentive to fix my camera!) a yummt lipgloss the kitten has been chasing about the house, and a cute CUTE little pattern for a baby shrug, which even david went ahhh at. so thank you very much alison, you have been a fab knitting friend, I was lucky to have you!

i am now going out to work with a smile on my face and on the whole feeling all loved an happy. this will last, more or less, until I get to Southampton, and I am forced to deal witht he reality of late essays, hysterical students and a canteen that only seems to make one lunchtime veggie selcetion. BUT I am sure i will live!

Thanks again alison, knitting and friend superstar!

1 comment:

Alison said...

You can find me on

You have been a really great SP, I've really enjoyed it!