Monday, September 26, 2005

more ill but less bruised

now my ickly sniffle has turned into a full blown stinking cold, alosi with the added extra that if i "do too much" like go out for the day i drop into a coma on the sofa when i get in as i am so tired. i have snot, and sneezes and the whole nine yards. yuck.

on the up side, i have finished my scarf. i have to admit, the patten said to use two balls of the rowan big wool to get the stripes, but the scarf just didnt look long enough. so when i finished them i did half of two other balls and now the scarf is long enough to be for doctor who! it rocks. now i must crack on with the hat, as i have taken a comission for my brother for nice gloves.

the plan for today is: go to the docs, hoover, finish my war and memory unit once and for all, work on my phd abstract, get better so i can go to yoga tonight, and maybe go to m & s to buy THE nicest suit for my interview.

also look what i got on ebay! is this the most cool and so bad it is good thing you have ever ever seen!


Anonymous said...

interview? is that for the big impressive job you told me about, then? when?? good luck!
btw, i forget when you are moving - end or beginning of oct?

rachel said...

i am up for a lecturship at the more local uni... you know, the one where i went! but do suits suit me, dammit. moving at the end of oct if the soliciters stuff ever gets sorted out.

Anonymous said...

that's the one. so cool that you got an interview, that would be a good job. my suit was cheap from dotty p's and it shows. a good thing i am too idle to apply for a new job just yet! oh for a payrise tho... axx

rachel said...

ohh, can you ring me tonight? need to ask you a work related favour....