Thursday, September 08, 2005

putting it together

i am in a strange lull before work starts, when i have no actual phd on the go.... a strange land, when the temptation is to knit all day and visit friends. (which I did yesterday- HI Marcia!) So instead I am going to focus on putting together my unit for uni on war and memory. I managed to find the draft outline in the end- and so today after cycling to get some blood taken, i am going to pad it out and make it a kick ass unit! the sort that has pictures, and cool film references and isnt dry and crispy. i think that the chance to share some of my research is such an amazing opportunity, and i am glad that i get the change to teach it- so it is worth all the extra effect to make the unit sexy.

and it is knitting group tonight, i am not hostessing (THANK GOD) but i still have to back summat to take over to toms house.... i feeeeeelll that I might have to get the cooking with chocolate book out! will let you know how it goes.

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