Wednesday, September 07, 2005

not back at work

yesterday there was a "mix up," and college in fact hasnt started back yet, i have until thursday. bare in mind that i rang in to check the days, and can ill afford the petrol to drive miles for a nin existant class and i think you are getting close to how grumpy i was yesterday. so i decided to make the most of already not feeling like typing, and went into uni instead for a bit. i had a meeting to go over some teaching stuff, and then i tried to sneak photocopy some knitting patterns when no one is looking. FACT- it is supprisingly difficult to make rowan look like something more academic.

i am still waiting to hear back from the other job application at the more local uni- but it has only been 3 days since the last day for application- so i dont think there is any need to panic yet.

regarding knitting, i am still plodding on with the shrug. i didnt get any done last nite as the new series of csi needed my full attention, but it is def looking longer and more like a garment, although my ever lovely husband asked me "if i was making a cape." thanks dave!

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